Monday, February 20, 2017

Peyton's Sweet 16 - Sneak Peek

What a fun birthday party!  Friends and family were in abundance to celebrate Peyton's "Southernly Sweet" 16th birthday.  Here is a sneak peek of the festivities.

Monday, October 31, 2016

2016-2017 Classical Conversations Yearbook Pictures

It is time for yearbook pictures!  We have two weeks of Classical Conversations left.  Wow.  Where has the time gone?  Therefore, we are going to use both of those weeks for our yearbook pictures.  This coming Monday, November 7th and the following Monday, November 14th, we will take class and individual teacher photographs.  I will post a schedule here when I confirm with the teachers the times that classes will be available to do a group photo. 

We need individual photos for the yearbook as well and those will be scheduled separately for a few weekday mornings, a couple of weekday evenings and one Saturday morning that may have to be after we are out.  There will be a sitting fee of $2.00 per child up to $6.00 per family.  I will offer school portrait packages with those individual portraits that will include the class portrait.  I will post those price sheets here as well and you will be able to print and pay for the packages at the store on this website. 

Lastly, we are going to sell ads to help with the cost of producing the yearbook.  If you or family members have businesses or know of someone who would like to place an ad, please contact me at or by telephone at 423-773-5008.  I will make a post with a store where those ads can be purchased and submitted.